This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Pan Pan, Yi Yang, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis." CVPR, 2022.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Compositional 3D-aware Image Synthesis." IJCV, 2023.[Link]
Yucheng Suo, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, "Jointly Harnessing Prior Structures and Temporal Consistency for Sign Language Video Generation." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "Decoupled and Memory-Reinforced Networks: Towards Effective Feature Learning for One-Step Person Search." AAAI, 2021.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yifan Sun, Yi Yang, "Context-aware Pretraining for Efficient Blind Image Decomposition." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang, "Depth-aware blind image decomposition for real-world adverse weather recovery." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Yutian Lin, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Yu Wu, Zhilan Hu, Chenggang Yan, Yi Yang, "Improving person re-identification by attribute and identity learning." Pattern Recognition, 2019.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "Decoupled and Memory-Reinforced Networks: Towards Effective Feature Learning for One-Step Person Search." AAAI, 2021.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Soft Person Re-identification Network Pruning via Block-wise Adjacent Filter Decaying." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.[Link]
Jintao Sun, Hao Fei, Gangyi Ding, Zhedong Zheng, "From Data Deluge to Data Curation: A Filtering-WoRA Paradigm for Efficient Text-based Person Search." Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference, 2025.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Harnessing Uncertainty-aware Bounding Boxes for Unsupervised 3D Object Detection." arXiv:2408.00619, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Approaching Outside: Scaling Unsupervised 3D Object Detection from 2D Scene." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Jintao Sun, Hao Fei, Gangyi Ding, Zhedong Zheng, "From Data Deluge to Data Curation: A Filtering-WoRA Paradigm for Efficient Text-based Person Search." Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference, 2025.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, "VL-Uncertainty: Detecting Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Model via Uncertainty Estimation." arXiv:2411.11919, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Harnessing Uncertainty-aware Bounding Boxes for Unsupervised 3D Object Detection." arXiv:2408.00619, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Approaching Outside: Scaling Unsupervised 3D Object Detection from 2D Scene." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaodong Yang, Zhiding Yu, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jan Kautz, "Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification." CVPR, 2019.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Yan Huang, Jingsong Xu, Qiang Wu, Zhedong Zheng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, "Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Jiayin Zhu, Wei Ji, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "3D Magic Mirror: Clothing Reconstruction from a Single Image via a Causal Perspective." arXiv:2204.13096, 2022.[Link]
Yan Huang, Jingsong Xu, Qiang Wu, Zhedong Zheng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, "Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018.[Link]
Jintao Sun, Hao Fei, Gangyi Ding, Zhedong Zheng, "From Data Deluge to Data Curation: A Filtering-WoRA Paradigm for Efficient Text-based Person Search." Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference, 2025.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Kezhou Lin, Xiaohan Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Less is More: Sparse Sampling for Dense Reaction Predictions." CVPR Workshop of Affective Understanding in Video on Evoked Expressions from Videos (EEV) Challenge (the 2nd Place), 2021.[Link]
Leigang Qu, Meng Liu, Wenjie Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua, "Learnable Pillar-based Re-ranking for Image-Text Retrieval." SIGIR, 2023.[Link]
Yiyang Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Leigang Qu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Composed Image Retrieval with Text Feedback via Multi-grained Uncertainty Regularization." International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.[Link]
Leyang Jin, Wei Ji, Tat-seng Chua, Zhedong Zheng, "Coarse-to-Fine Cross-modality Generation for Enhancing Vehicle Re-Identification with High-Fidelity Synthetic Data." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2025.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yaxiong Wang, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Beyond Walking: A Large-Scale Image-Text Benchmark for Text-based Person Anomaly Search." arXiv:2411.17776, 2024.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Zhedong Zheng, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Yinan Zhou, Yaxiong Wang, Haokun Lin, Chen Ma, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Scale Up Composed Image Retrieval Learning via Modification Text Generation." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2025.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaodong Yang, Zhiding Yu, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jan Kautz, "Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification." CVPR, 2019.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camera style adaptation for person re-identification." CVPR, 2018.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "Unlabeled samples generated by gan improve the person re-identification baseline in vitro." ICCV, 2017.[Link]
Yawei Luo, Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Tao Guan, Junqing Yu, Yi Yang, "Macro-micro adversarial network for human parsing." ECCV, 2018.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Fei Wu, "U-turn: Crafting Adversarial Queries with Opposite-direction Features." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Michael Garrett, Yi Yang, Mingliang Xu, Yi-Dong Shen, "Dual-path convolutional image-text embeddings with instance loss." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2020.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camstyle: A novel data augmentation method for person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2019.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "Pedestrian alignment network for large-scale person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2018.[Link]
Yutian Lin, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Yu Wu, Zhilan Hu, Chenggang Yan, Yi Yang, "Improving person re-identification by attribute and identity learning." Pattern Recognition, 2019.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "A discriminatively learned CNN embedding for person reidentification." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2018.[Link]
Kezhou Lin, Xiaohan Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Less is More: Sparse Sampling for Dense Reaction Predictions." CVPR Workshop of Affective Understanding in Video on Evoked Expressions from Videos (EEV) Challenge (the 2nd Place), 2021.[Link]
Xu Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Collaborative group: Composed image retrieval via consensus learning from noisy annotations." Knowledge-based Systems, 2024.[Link]
Xiaohan Wang, Linchao Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Align and tell: Boosting text-video retrieval with local alignment and fine-grained supervision." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Yuxia Wu, Tianhao Dai, Zhedong Zheng, Lizi Liao, "Active discovering new slots for task-oriented conversation." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024.[Link]
Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Chao Sun, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Self-supervised Point Cloud Representation Learning via Separating Mixed Shapes." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Xiaohan Wang, Linchao Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Align and tell: Boosting text-video retrieval with local alignment and fine-grained supervision." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Michael Garrett, Yi Yang, Mingliang Xu, Yi-Dong Shen, "Dual-path convolutional image-text embeddings with instance loss." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2020.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Xiaoqing Ye, "Self-Ensembling Depth Completion via Density-aware Consistency." Pattern Recognition, 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Nenggan Zheng, Yi Yang, "Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "Decoupled and Memory-Reinforced Networks: Towards Effective Feature Learning for One-Step Person Search." AAAI, 2021.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Yan Huang, Jingsong Xu, Qiang Wu, Zhedong Zheng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, "Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yifan Sun, Yi Yang, "Context-aware Pretraining for Efficient Blind Image Decomposition." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang, "Depth-aware blind image decomposition for real-world adverse weather recovery." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, "VL-Uncertainty: Detecting Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Model via Uncertainty Estimation." arXiv:2411.11919, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Harnessing Uncertainty-aware Bounding Boxes for Unsupervised 3D Object Detection." arXiv:2408.00619, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Approaching Outside: Scaling Unsupervised 3D Object Detection from 2D Scene." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camera style adaptation for person re-identification." CVPR, 2018.[Link]
Jinliang Lin, Zhedong Zheng, Zhun Zhong, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, Sebe Nicu, "Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-view Geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camstyle: A novel data augmentation method for person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2019.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yaxiong Wang, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Beyond Walking: A Large-Scale Image-Text Benchmark for Text-based Person Anomaly Search." arXiv:2411.17776, 2024.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Zhedong Zheng, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Tao Ruan, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, Tao Mei, "VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification." IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (TMM), 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Tao Ruan, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, Tao Mei, "VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification." IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (TMM), 2020.[Link]
Leyang Jin, Wei Ji, Tat-seng Chua, Zhedong Zheng, "Coarse-to-Fine Cross-modality Generation for Enhancing Vehicle Re-Identification with High-Fidelity Synthetic Data." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2025.[Link]
Han Yi, Zhedong Zheng, Xiangyu Xu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Progressive Text-to-3D Generation for Automatic 3D Prototyping." arXiv:2309.14600, 2023.[Link]
Leigang Qu, Meng Liu, Wenjie Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua, "Learnable Pillar-based Re-ranking for Image-Text Retrieval." SIGIR, 2023.[Link]
Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Wei Ji, Renjie Liang, Zhedong Zheng, Wenqiao Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Juncheng Li, Mengze Li, Tat-Seng Chua, "Are Binary Annotations Sufficient? Video Moment Retrieval via Hierarchical Uncertainty-based Active Learning." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Jiayin Zhu, Wei Ji, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "3D Magic Mirror: Clothing Reconstruction from a Single Image via a Causal Perspective." arXiv:2204.13096, 2022.[Link]
Mu Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "PiPa: Pixel-and Patch-wise Self-supervised Learning for Domain Adaptative Semantic Segmentation." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Yiyang Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Leigang Qu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Composed Image Retrieval with Text Feedback via Multi-grained Uncertainty Regularization." International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Compositional 3D-aware Image Synthesis." IJCV, 2023.[Link]
Yuxia Wu, Tianhao Dai, Zhedong Zheng, Lizi Liao, "Active discovering new slots for task-oriented conversation." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024.[Link]
Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Zunjie Zhu, Yuhan Gao, Yi Yang, Chenggang Yan, "Learning cross-view geo-localization embeddings via dynamic weighted decorrelation regularization." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Leyang Jin, Wei Ji, Tat-seng Chua, Zhedong Zheng, "Coarse-to-Fine Cross-modality Generation for Enhancing Vehicle Re-Identification with High-Fidelity Synthetic Data." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2025.[Link]
Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Wei Ji, Renjie Liang, Zhedong Zheng, Wenqiao Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Juncheng Li, Mengze Li, Tat-Seng Chua, "Are Binary Annotations Sufficient? Video Moment Retrieval via Hierarchical Uncertainty-based Active Learning." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Jiayin Zhu, Wei Ji, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "3D Magic Mirror: Clothing Reconstruction from a Single Image via a Causal Perspective." arXiv:2204.13096, 2022.[Link]
Yiyang Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Leigang Qu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Composed Image Retrieval with Text Feedback via Multi-grained Uncertainty Regularization." International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Soft Person Re-identification Network Pruning via Block-wise Adjacent Filter Decaying." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaodong Yang, Zhiding Yu, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jan Kautz, "Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification." CVPR, 2019.[Link]
Kezhou Lin, Xiaohan Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Less is More: Sparse Sampling for Dense Reaction Predictions." CVPR Workshop of Affective Understanding in Video on Evoked Expressions from Videos (EEV) Challenge (the 2nd Place), 2021.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Chao Sun, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Self-supervised Point Cloud Representation Learning via Separating Mixed Shapes." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Xiaohan Wang, Linchao Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Align and tell: Boosting text-video retrieval with local alignment and fine-grained supervision." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Yucheng Suo, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, "Jointly Harnessing Prior Structures and Temporal Consistency for Sign Language Video Generation." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Nenggan Zheng, Yi Yang, "Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Pan Pan, Yi Yang, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis." CVPR, 2022.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Compositional 3D-aware Image Synthesis." IJCV, 2023.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Xiaoqing Ye, "Self-Ensembling Depth Completion via Density-aware Consistency." Pattern Recognition, 2024.[Link]
Yan Huang, Jingsong Xu, Qiang Wu, Zhedong Zheng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, "Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Soft Person Re-identification Network Pruning via Block-wise Adjacent Filter Decaying." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yaxiong Wang, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Beyond Walking: A Large-Scale Image-Text Benchmark for Text-based Person Anomaly Search." arXiv:2411.17776, 2024.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Zhedong Zheng, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Yinan Zhou, Yaxiong Wang, Haokun Lin, Chen Ma, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Scale Up Composed Image Retrieval Learning via Modification Text Generation." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2025.[Link]
Mu Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Transferring to Real-World Layouts: A Depth-aware Framework for Scene Adaptation." ACM Multimedia, 2024.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yifan Sun, Yi Yang, "Context-aware Pretraining for Efficient Blind Image Decomposition." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang, "Depth-aware blind image decomposition for real-world adverse weather recovery." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Jiayin Zhu, Wei Ji, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "3D Magic Mirror: Clothing Reconstruction from a Single Image via a Causal Perspective." arXiv:2204.13096, 2022.[Link]
Mu Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "PiPa: Pixel-and Patch-wise Self-supervised Learning for Domain Adaptative Semantic Segmentation." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Kezhou Lin, Xiaohan Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Less is More: Sparse Sampling for Dense Reaction Predictions." CVPR Workshop of Affective Understanding in Video on Evoked Expressions from Videos (EEV) Challenge (the 2nd Place), 2021.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Pan Pan, Yi Yang, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis." CVPR, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaodong Yang, Zhiding Yu, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jan Kautz, "Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification." CVPR, 2019.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "Decoupled and Memory-Reinforced Networks: Towards Effective Feature Learning for One-Step Person Search." AAAI, 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, "University-1652: A Multi-view Multi-source Benchmark for Drone-based Geo-localization." ACM MM, 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Unsupervised scene adaptation with memory regularization in vivo." IJCAI, 2020.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camera style adaptation for person re-identification." CVPR, 2018.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "Unlabeled samples generated by gan improve the person re-identification baseline in vitro." ICCV, 2017.[Link]
Yawei Luo, Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Tao Guan, Junqing Yu, Yi Yang, "Macro-micro adversarial network for human parsing." ECCV, 2018.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Compositional 3D-aware Image Synthesis." IJCV, 2023.[Link]
Xiaolong Shen, Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "StepNet: Spatial-temporal Part-aware Network for Sign Language Recognition." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Zunjie Zhu, Yuhan Gao, Yi Yang, Chenggang Yan, "Learning cross-view geo-localization embeddings via dynamic weighted decorrelation regularization." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024.[Link]
Xu Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Collaborative group: Composed image retrieval via consensus learning from noisy annotations." Knowledge-based Systems, 2024.[Link]
Jinliang Liu, Zhedong Zheng, Zongxin Yang, Yi Yang, "High Fidelity Makeup via 2D and 3D Identity Preservation Net." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Fei Wu, "U-turn: Crafting Adversarial Queries with Opposite-direction Features." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2022.[Link]
Jinliang Lin, Zhedong Zheng, Zhun Zhong, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, Sebe Nicu, "Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-view Geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Chao Sun, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Self-supervised Point Cloud Representation Learning via Separating Mixed Shapes." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Xiaohan Wang, Linchao Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Align and tell: Boosting text-video retrieval with local alignment and fine-grained supervision." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Soft Person Re-identification Network Pruning via Block-wise Adjacent Filter Decaying." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022.[Link]
Yucheng Suo, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, "Jointly Harnessing Prior Structures and Temporal Consistency for Sign Language Video Generation." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Adaptive Boosting for Domain Adaptation: Towards Robust Predictions in Scene Segmentation." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Nenggan Zheng, Yi Yang, "Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2021.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Michael Garrett, Yi Yang, Mingliang Xu, Yi-Dong Shen, "Dual-path convolutional image-text embeddings with instance loss." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2020.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camstyle: A novel data augmentation method for person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2019.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "Pedestrian alignment network for large-scale person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2018.[Link]
Yutian Lin, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Yu Wu, Zhilan Hu, Chenggang Yan, Yi Yang, "Improving person re-identification by attribute and identity learning." Pattern Recognition, 2019.[Link]
Yutian Lin, Zhedong Zheng, Hong Zhang, Chenqiang Gao, Yi Yang, "Bayesian query expansion for multi-camera person re-identification." Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "A discriminatively learned CNN embedding for person reidentification." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2018.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Tao Ruan, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, Tao Mei, "VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification." IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (TMM), 2020.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Zhedong Zheng, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Yinan Zhou, Yaxiong Wang, Haokun Lin, Chen Ma, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Scale Up Composed Image Retrieval Learning via Modification Text Generation." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2025.[Link]
Yiyang Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Leigang Qu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Composed Image Retrieval with Text Feedback via Multi-grained Uncertainty Regularization." International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.[Link]
Yucheng Suo, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, "Jointly Harnessing Prior Structures and Temporal Consistency for Sign Language Video Generation." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Zhedong Zheng, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, "University-1652: A Multi-view Multi-source Benchmark for Drone-based Geo-localization." ACM MM, 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Tao Ruan, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, Tao Mei, "VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification." IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (TMM), 2020.[Link]
Yuxia Wu, Tianhao Dai, Zhedong Zheng, Lizi Liao, "Active discovering new slots for task-oriented conversation." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Yan Huang, Jingsong Xu, Qiang Wu, Zhedong Zheng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, "Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yaxiong Wang, Li Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, "Beyond Walking: A Large-Scale Image-Text Benchmark for Text-based Person Anomaly Search." arXiv:2411.17776, 2024.[Link]
Leyang Jin, Wei Ji, Tat-seng Chua, Zhedong Zheng, "Coarse-to-Fine Cross-modality Generation for Enhancing Vehicle Re-Identification with High-Fidelity Synthetic Data." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2025.[Link]
Jintao Sun, Hao Fei, Gangyi Ding, Zhedong Zheng, "From Data Deluge to Data Curation: A Filtering-WoRA Paradigm for Efficient Text-based Person Search." Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference, 2025.[Link]
Hao Ju, Zhedong Zheng, "Video2BEV: Transforming Drone Videos to BEVs for Video-based Geo-localization." arXiv:2411.13610, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, "VL-Uncertainty: Detecting Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Model via Uncertainty Estimation." arXiv:2411.11919, 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Harnessing Uncertainty-aware Bounding Boxes for Unsupervised 3D Object Detection." arXiv:2408.00619, 2024.[Link]
Mu Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Transferring to Real-World Layouts: A Depth-aware Framework for Scene Adaptation." ACM Multimedia, 2024.[Link]
Han Yi, Zhedong Zheng, Xiangyu Xu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Progressive Text-to-3D Generation for Automatic 3D Prototyping." arXiv:2309.14600, 2023.[Link]
Leigang Qu, Meng Liu, Wenjie Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua, "Learnable Pillar-based Re-ranking for Image-Text Retrieval." SIGIR, 2023.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yifan Sun, Yi Yang, "Context-aware Pretraining for Efficient Blind Image Decomposition." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Meng Chu, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Tingyu Wang, Tat-Seng Chua, "Towards Natural Language-Guided Drones: GeoText-1652 Benchmark with Spatial Relation Matching." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Chao Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang, "Depth-aware blind image decomposition for real-world adverse weather recovery." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Ruiyang Zhang, Hu Zhang, Hang Yu, Zhedong Zheng, "Approaching Outside: Scaling Unsupervised 3D Object Detection from 2D Scene." Proceedings of the European conference on computer vision (ECCV), 2024.[Link]
Wei Ji, Renjie Liang, Zhedong Zheng, Wenqiao Zhang, Shengyu Zhang, Juncheng Li, Mengze Li, Tat-Seng Chua, "Are Binary Annotations Sufficient? Video Moment Retrieval via Hierarchical Uncertainty-based Active Learning." CVPR, 2023.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Jiayin Zhu, Wei Ji, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "3D Magic Mirror: Clothing Reconstruction from a Single Image via a Causal Perspective." arXiv:2204.13096, 2022.[Link]
Mu Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, Tat-Seng Chua, "PiPa: Pixel-and Patch-wise Self-supervised Learning for Domain Adaptative Semantic Segmentation." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Kezhou Lin, Xiaohan Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang, "Less is More: Sparse Sampling for Dense Reaction Predictions." CVPR Workshop of Affective Understanding in Video on Evoked Expressions from Videos (EEV) Challenge (the 2nd Place), 2021.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Shuyu Yang, Yinan Zhou, Zhedong Zheng, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Li Zhu, "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark." ACM MM, 2023.[Link]
Xuanmeng Zhang, Zhedong Zheng, Daiheng Gao, Bang Zhang, Pan Pan, Yi Yang, "Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis." CVPR, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaodong Yang, Zhiding Yu, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jan Kautz, "Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification." CVPR, 2019.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "Decoupled and Memory-Reinforced Networks: Towards Effective Feature Learning for One-Step Person Search." AAAI, 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, "University-1652: A Multi-view Multi-source Benchmark for Drone-based Geo-localization." ACM MM, 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Unsupervised scene adaptation with memory regularization in vivo." IJCAI, 2020.[Link]
Yiyang Chen, Zhedong Zheng, Wei Ji, Leigang Qu, Tat-Seng Chua, "Composed Image Retrieval with Text Feedback via Multi-grained Uncertainty Regularization." International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Fei Wu, "U-turn: Crafting Adversarial Queries with Opposite-direction Features." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2022.[Link]
Jinliang Lin, Zhedong Zheng, Zhun Zhong, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, Sebe Nicu, "Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-view Geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.[Link]
Chuchu Han, Zhedong Zheng, Kai Su, Dongdong Yu, Zehuan Yuan, Changxin Gao, Nong Sang, Yi Yang, "DMRNet++: Learning Discriminative Features with Decoupled Networks and Enriched Pairs for One-Step Person Search." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2022.[Link]
Chao Sun, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Self-supervised Point Cloud Representation Learning via Separating Mixed Shapes." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Xiaohan Wang, Linchao Zhu, Zhedong Zheng, Mingliang Xu, Yi Yang, "Align and tell: Boosting text-video retrieval with local alignment and fine-grained supervision." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Soft Person Re-identification Network Pruning via Block-wise Adjacent Filter Decaying." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022.[Link]
Yucheng Suo, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Bang Zhang, Yi Yang, "Jointly Harnessing Prior Structures and Temporal Consistency for Sign Language Video Generation." ACM TOMM, 2024.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.[Link]
Yuxia Wu, Tianhao Dai, Zhedong Zheng, Lizi Liao, "Active discovering new slots for task-oriented conversation." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2024.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Adaptive Boosting for Domain Adaptation: Towards Robust Predictions in Scene Segmentation." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Nenggan Zheng, Yi Yang, "Parameter-Efficient Person Re-identification in the 3D Space." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Yi Yang, "Rectifying Pseudo Label Learning via Uncertainty Estimation for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation." International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2021.[Link]
Tingyu Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Chenggang Yan, Jiyong Zhang, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Yi Yang, "Each part matters: Local patterns facilitate cross-view geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Michael Garrett, Yi Yang, Mingliang Xu, Yi-Dong Shen, "Dual-path convolutional image-text embeddings with instance loss." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2020.[Link]
Bingwen Hu, Zhedong Zheng, Ping Liu, Wankou Yang, Mingwu Ren, "Unsupervised Eyeglasses Removal in the Wild." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camstyle: A novel data augmentation method for person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2019.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "Pedestrian alignment network for large-scale person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 2018.[Link]
Yutian Lin, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Yu Wu, Zhilan Hu, Chenggang Yan, Yi Yang, "Improving person re-identification by attribute and identity learning." Pattern Recognition, 2019.[Link]
Yan Huang, Jingsong Xu, Qiang Wu, Zhedong Zheng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Jian Zhang, "Multi-pseudo regularized label for generated data in person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2018.[Link]
Yutian Lin, Zhedong Zheng, Hong Zhang, Chenqiang Gao, Yi Yang, "Bayesian query expansion for multi-camera person re-identification." Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, "A discriminatively learned CNN embedding for person reidentification." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 2018.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Tao Ruan, Yunchao Wei, Yi Yang, Tao Mei, "VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification." IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (TMM), 2020.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Xiaodong Yang, Zhiding Yu, Liang Zheng, Yi Yang, Jan Kautz, "Joint discriminative and generative learning for person re-identification." CVPR, 2019.[Link]
Minyue Jiang*, Xuanmeng Zhang*, Yue Yu, Zechen Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Xiao Tan, Hao Sun, Errui Ding, Yi Yang, "Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 2nd Place of Track 2), 2021.[Link]
Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Soft Person Re-identification Network Pruning via Block-wise Adjacent Filter Decaying." IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022.[Link]
Xiaodong Wang, Zhedong Zheng, Yang He, Fei Yan, Zhiqiang Zeng, Yi Yang, "Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2023.[Link]
Shuai Bai, Zhedong Zheng, Xiaohan Wang, Junyang Lin, Zhu Zhang, Chang Zhou, Hongxia Yang, Yi Yang, "Connecting Language and Vision for Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval." CVPR Workshop of AI City Challenge on Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval (the 1st Place of Track 5), 2021.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camera style adaptation for person re-identification." CVPR, 2018.[Link]
Jinliang Lin, Zhedong Zheng, Zhun Zhong, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, Sebe Nicu, "Joint Representation Learning and Keypoint Detection for Cross-view Geo-localization." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022.[Link]
Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Zhedong Zheng, Shaozi Li, Yi Yang, "Camstyle: A novel data augmentation method for person re-identification." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2019.[Link]