Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification
Authors: Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang,
Xin Yu, Xiao Tan,
Yi Yang, Shilei Wen,
Errui Ding
Published in CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020
Recommended citation: Zhedong Zheng, Minyue Jiang, Zhigang Wang, Jian Wang, Zechen Bai, Xuanmeng Zhang, Xin Yu, Xiao Tan, Yi Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification." CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2), 2020.
Download PDF: https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPRW_2020/papers/w35/Zheng_Going_Beyond_Real_Data_A_Robust_Visual_Representation_for_Vehicle_CVPRW_2020_paper.pdf
Code is available at: https://github.com/layumi/AICIty-reID-2020
author = "Zheng, Zhedong and Jiang, Minyue and Wang, Zhigang and Wang, Jian and Bai, Zechen and Zhang, Xuanmeng and Yu, Xin and Tan, Xiao and Yang, Yi and Wen, Shilei and Ding, Errui",
title = "Going beyond real data: A robust visual representation for vehicle re-identification",
booktitle = "CVPR Workshops of AI City Challenge on City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Re-Identification (the 1st Place of Track 2)",
code = "https://github.com/layumi/AICIty-reID-2020",
url = "https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content\_CVPRW\_2020/papers/w35/Zheng\_Going\_Beyond\_Real\_Data\_A\_Robust\_Visual\_Representation\_for\_Vehicle\_CVPRW\_2020\_paper.pdf",
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